Fakultas Teknik UPN Veteran Jakarta


1. Journal of Bina Teknika was the first publication in 2007, with ISSN registration from LIPI Indonesia. ISSN was first registered 1693-8550 under the name Bina Teknika SK no. 0005.100 / JI.3.02 / SK.ISSN / 2004, with the category of Engineering. The Bina Teknika journal accepts scientific articles with research areas in:

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Shipping Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering

With articles that have primary citations and have never been published online or in a previous print version. The journal Bina Teknika has an online version and a print with a publication schedule in June and December each year.

Online Journal System (OJS) Bina Teknika can CLICK HERE


ISSN: 1693-8550


2. e-Journal / National / International Electronic Journal Publications on Covid-19

    a. SAGE Journals

    b. Institute of Physics (IOP)

    c. Nature

    d. ProQuest Coronavirus Research Database

    e. Elsevier

    d. Elsevier Corona Virus Information Center

    e. Elsevier researchers studying covid-19

3. e-library UPN Veteran Jakarta

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