Quick Contact
Dr. Ir. Reda Rizal, B.Sc., M.Si., IPU., ASEAN Eng
Environmental Quality Management
Experience & Activities
NIDN : 0025085909
NIP/NIK : 195908251988031001
Jabatan : Lektor Kepala
- Universitas Islam Syeikh Yusuf Tangerang, Teknik dan Manajeman Industri (S1)
- Universitas Indonesia, Ilmu Lingkungan (S2)
- Universitas Indonesia, Ilmu Lingkungan (S3)
- Environmental Quality Management
- Life Cycle Assessment
- Minimizing Waste and Pollution
- Industrial Safety and Healty
- Green Production, Processing, and Product
Mata Kuliah :
- Ekologi Industri
- Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3)