The Center for Green TEMATENSE Studies (PSGT) is an institution that manages research and community service activities under the Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta Veteran National Development University (FTUPNVJ). PGST was built based on the UPNVJ Research & Abdimas Renstra 2019 – 2023, the vision of Defending the State in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, five of the ten areas of research focus of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, which in its implementation activities can be carried out inclusively collaborating between study programs and or exclusively distributed to 4 programs existing studies at the FT-UPNVJ. Five areas of research focus that can be carried out by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Naval Architecture and Electrical Engineering are: i) integration of research focus on energy – new and renewable energy (EBT), ii) transportation, iii) defense and security, iv ) advanced materials, and v) maritime. Collaboration of the disciplines of mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, shipping engineering, and electrical engineering in the insights of State Defense and the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 formed a research mission towards green technology (green tech), environmentally friendly materials (green materials), EBT (green energy) and energy saving (energy saving) which is abbreviated as GREEN TEMATENSE. In the future, PGST is expected to be able to produce research and community service works that contribute to the wider community in the form of environmentally friendly technological innovations, new renewable energy innovations, material saving and energy saving.