Praise be to Allah SWT for His mercy and grace which has been completed by the Formulator of the Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Engineering UPN “Veteran” Jakarta for the 2016-2020 Period. The 2016-2020 Faculty of Engineering Strategic Plan is the first Strategic Plan as a State University. The Strategic Plan is prepared based on 1) UPN “Veteran” Jakarta “Vision Towards Legal, Innovative, Competitive Institutions with State Defense Identity Year 2025, 2) UPN” Veteran “Jakarta Strategic Plan for the Period of 2016 – 2020, 3) SWOT Analysis Faculty of Engineering regarding the vision and mission of the Faculty of Engineering, UPN “Veteran” Jakarta. Its vision is “In 2025 it will become a Faculty of Engineering, producing a Bachelor of Engineering who has graduate learning outcomes in the field of innovative national natural resource-based technology with a State Defense identity and regional competitiveness”.
The Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Engineering UPN “Veteran” Jakarta is the basis for the preparation of the 2016 – 2020 Operational Plan. As a guideline in preparing the Annual Budget Plan and Activities of Ministries / Institutions (RAK K / L) for the Faculty of Engineering, Departments / Study Programs, and Work Units others within the Faculty of Engineering, UPN “Veteran” Jakarta